Who We Are: Body and Soul

From the Kabbalah Teachings of Rabbi Yehudah Leib Ashlag

Many of us suffer from feelings of emptiness in our lives. On the surface, our lives may seem smooth, but inside there is a void. The all-pervasive screen  may cover our inner desolation for a while, but the emptiness comes back. It is trying to wake us up, trying to tell us that we have a soul, and our soul is desperate for us to get in contact with it. 

Answer: Learn to connect with the soul!  

The wisdom of Kabbalah, the innermost aspect of Torah, teaches us how to connect with our Soul. 

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Why We Need to Know Our Purpose

When we buy a new gadget, we read the instructions. 

Living our lives without knowing what our  purpose is, is like trying to live without reading the instructions! 

This is why we feel disconnected with ourselves. 

We experience a sense of alienation and emptiness.

We repeatedly fall into the same negative patterns

  • Let's break the cycle
  • Let’s get back a sense of control into our lives.
  • Let’s start living our lives in connection with our self and with our Soul.
  • Let’s feel the pleasure in connection and love, and leave behind loneliness and victimhood.

Yes I want to change my life

I am Yedidah Cohen, a facilitator in the teachings of the late Rabbi Ashlag for the past 30 years, and I invite you personally to join me in this journey of discovery into the heart of Jewish wisdom that we will undertake together. 

We will discover that the more we allow our soul to take precedence in our lives the more we begin to let go of  the narrow vision of our self-absorption and can open to the love and empathy that is waiting for us.

In this special program you will gain

  • a fundamental understanding of our most important question, "Who am I?"
  • You will discover that we all have a fundamental need for pleasure
  • You will discover the Soul within —the divine part of God within us.
  • You will start to explore the expression of the soul within yourself.
  • You will understand that we are complex creatures composed of two diametrically opposed elements: The Body and the Soul
  • You will learn that it is this very desire for pleasure and happiness that becomes the source of confusion and suffering in our lives.
  • You will learn how the wisdom of Kabbalah helps us identify the whispers of our soul.
  • You will discover the importance of our intentions that lie behind our acts.

Yes! I want to gain these benefits

Course content

What We Will Learn Together

Week One

Welcome: How to Approach our Learning: What is Kabbalah

In this lesson, we will discover that Kabbalah reveals how Divinity manifests to us. We will find that the Creator's purpose in Creation is to bestow ultimate goodness upon us— an experience of the Divine. Our human intelligence and empathy play a crucial role in recognizing the part the Creator plays in our lives.

We will understand the importance of our approach to learning, acknowledging that it is not purely intellectual, but involves a connection with our soul. To enhance this connection, we may find it beneficial to start each session with a short prayer or meditation.

The lesson is divided into three videos each accompanied by downloads, plus work in a multimedia dynamic journal in which you can record your own responses to the classes and keep as a record of your journey 

  • Introduction and Welcome
  • How to Approach Our Learning
  • What is Kabbalah?
  • Meditation/Prayer of the Holy Ari Before Learning Kabbalah (for those who wish
  • Experiencing Divinity in our lives (dynamic workbook) 

Week Two: What are we?

In this lesson we will discover that our true essence is eternal.  We call our essence "the soul," or "the still small voice." It is the Divine within us. 

Our soul manifests as our impulse to kindness, our basic happiness, our creativity, our conscience. 

In this lesson we will also look at faith in the benevolence of the Creator as a dynamic way of life. We discover how faith enables us to respond to difficult events in our lives with optimism and hope, breaking the delusions fostered by the rationality of the ego.

Lesson two is made up of two main videos

  • Can We Know What Our Essence Is?
  • Faith
  • Meditation/prayer
  • Discovering our Essence (dynamic workbook)

Week Three: The One Soul that Unites us All 

In this lesson we will learn the underlying message of the story of the creation of Adam and Eve— that the Creator created only one soul. Although, following the sin of the Tree of Knowledge, this one soul fragmented into the myriad souls that make up the human community, past, present, and future, nevertheless we still together comprise the one soul of Adam.

This engenders in us the realization of our interconnectedness and the understanding that we all have a shared destiny.  In the second video of this lesson we learn about the work of the group as the first place to start in realizing our interdependence. We discover the value of mutual help in working against our inbuilt egoism.

  • The One Soul that Unites Us All
  • The Love of Companions
  • Meditation/prayer before learning
  • The One Chain of Humanity (dynamic workbook)

Week Four: Getting to Know the Creator Through Looking at Creation.

Is it important how we think about the Creator? It turns out it is. How we think about our Creator defines how we think about ourselves.  How we perceive the Divine significantly influences our behavior toward both ourselves and others

When we go inside ourselves we may find we have old images that no longer serve us. 

We also look at how we experience the  role the Creator plays in our lives. 

We follow these two videos looking at how we can build a truer connection with the Divine within us through the opposite poles of prayer and of blessing.  

Videos we will see 

  • Knowing the Creator Through  what comes forth
  • The Divine Providence: How we perceive God’s involvement in our lives.
  • Putting the wisdom of the Torah into Practice via Prayer
  • Blessings
  • Making a Relationship with the Creator (dynamic workbook)

Week Five: Knowing the Purpose of Creation Helps us Co-operate With its Process

Any CEO know that if the staff understand the purpose of a project they are working on they can contribute creatively and with enthusiastically to the success of the project. 

Similarly, when we know the purpose of creation and understand the process we are involved in, we can become active partners with God instead of unwilling or unconscious participants.  Our lives transform, becoming happy and worthwhile.  

 We  examine what separates us from ourselves. from each other, and what brings us close. 

We look at the tool of self-inquiry as a practical tool to help us progress.

In this lesson we have three videos:

  • The Purpose and Process of Creation
  • Our Vessels (dynamic workbook)
  • What separates us from ourselves and from the Creator? What brings us close?
  • Self-inquiry
  • Discovering Affinity of Form (dynamic workbook)

Week Six: Where Evil Comes From; The Power of Coming Back to our Soul 

In this week we ask what constitutes evil and where does it originate? Why does the Creator allow it in the world?  What purpose does it serve?  We discover we are not powerless at all, but we have a great capacity to influence not only our own small circle but beyond.

Instead of despairing when we look at our own mistakes we discover the power of restoring the Name of God within us.   This has the power to turn even our worst mistakes into powerful forces for good.

 In this lesson we have two videos:

  • The Nature of Evil and Where it Originates
  • We are Not Powerless (dynamic workbook)
  • Restoring the Name of God Within Us 
  • Restoring the Name of God within us Restores the World (dynamic workbook) 
  • Meditation/prayer before learning
  • Where Does Evil Come From? (dynamic workbook)

Week Seven: Body and Soul; Male and Female; Giving and Receiving

Dealing with the opposites in our lives is an especial challenge. In this lesson we look at what these opposites consist of. We explore ways whereby dealing with opposites becomes a source of strength and reconciliation, forging a new path forward.

 In this lessons you will find: 

  • The Origin of Body and Soul and their Divergent Paths
  • Male and Female;  Giving and Receiving; Soul and Body
  • Physicality and Materialism   
  • Reconciling Opposites in My Life (dynamic workshop)
  • The Right Hand Line and the Left Hand Line
  • Meditation/prayer before learning

Week Eight: The Torah and its Great Gift to Us

We cannot know our soul directly, neither can we know the Creator directly, but the Zohar tells us that the "Torah, the Creator, and the Soul are One."  Thus the Torah acts a gateway to both the Creator and the Soul. 

There are many garments to the Torah, in all of which resides the one light of God. We need to approach the Torah through the garment that is most suitable for us. For many of our generation, this garment is the Kabbalah. 

  • The Torah as a Bridge to the Soul
  • The Torah: From Concealment to Revelation
  • Finding the Torah within Ourselves  (dynamic workbook) 

Week Nine: Free Will

We often find ourselves feeling that we are somehow trapped in our situations, or powerless. Learning the true boundaries of our free will, where it truly lies, releases us and allows us to make choices in line with our soul.

  • The Three States of the Soul.
  • The Way of Consciousness or the Way of Suffering



Bonus Lesson One: Putting it all into Practice

In this lesson we will look at why the actual practice of loving our neighbor as ourslelf is so important for any real progress in our spiritual lives.  It is only when we try to put the our learning  into practice that we begin to truly understand who we are. It is when we try and fail that we being to understand the true nature of our selfishly orientated being and thus we can develop a true vessel for the light of the Divine. This manifests as a deeply felt need for contact with the Creator.  

  • The Mitzvot (Good Deeds)  as Opportunites
  • The Mitzvot and the Incarnation of the Soul
  • Loving our Neighbor as Ourselves  (dynamic workbook) 

Bonus Lesson Two: Dealing with our Thoughts

This is something we all struggle with.  In this lesson we will learn where our thoughts come from, (yes the bad ones too!) and how to handle them. We look at the difference between thought and feeling and examine which precedes which. We see how increased awareness of our thought is a key to our life.

  • Are Our Thoughts Ours?
  • Quieting the Mind: A Meditation from the Holy Rabbi of Piacezna, Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira 

  • On the one hand we learn as a group, but on the other you can also take it at your own pace.
  • I will accompany every group.
  • I will give bonus material over the community forum
  • I will give a live webinar once every two weeks for questions and answers, help with assignments, and an opportunity to go deeper into the work.
  • You will have a dynamic digital workbook to record your asignments and keep as a record of your journey.
  • There is access to the course on the mobile app so you can access it from your pelephone or your favorite device

Yes, sign me up!

Rabbi Yehudah Leib Ashlag
Great Tzaddik and Sage

Rabbi Ashlag opened up the Kabbalah in a safe and authentic way for all of us. He was called the "Living Ari".

Rabbi Ashlag understood that we are simultaneously a generation in which the greatest wisdom is revealed, and the most spiritually impoverished .
The Kabbalah, which deals wth the "Why?" of our lives is desperately needed.
Rabbi Ashlag's work spans commentaries on the Zohar and on the great work of the Ari.
Rabbi Ashlag's work was endorsed by the great sages of his own generation. He came from an othodox Chassidic background. But his works encompass all humanity: the orthodox and the secular Jew and the non-Jew.
His work has much to teach all of us.

Yedidah Cohen
Student and Facilitator of the Teachings of Rabbi Ashlag

When,thirty years ago, I began my journey with the writings of Rabbi Ashlag, I was amazed to discover a treasure trove of wisdom.

On one hand, this wisdom delves into the depths of the creation process, from the infinite to this world. On the other hand, it speaks to the most intimate aspect of the connection with a person and their Creator.
I realized that within every person, there is a divine part, but the cries of our ego overwhelm us, preventing us from hearing the subtle inner voice within us.
I have been facilitating the learning of this material with groups and with individuals in Israel and the Diaspora for over twenty years.
With the help of the Creator, I have translated and collated works of Rabbi Ashlag for the English-speaking world. Four of my books have been published, and received endorsements from eminent Rabbis such as Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sack and Rabbi Avraham Mordecai Gottlieb

Thoughtful and insightful

Chaya Yavitz

This course has given me direction. I have got off the merry-go-round and I have found direction by putting into practice what I am learning in the course.

It's calmed me down. I'm more aware on a deeper level. I can go more deeply into myself in order to get out of myself! I need the structure and the directions along the way and your course gives me that.

Board Certified Psychologist

Dr Elliot Rosenbaum

"I now have an incredible toolbox to use in my life. The foundations of this wisdom keep coming back to me helping me on my way.

I was looking for the key to these teachings for many years. But although I studied them intensively, I couldn't find the key to connect them with my life, until I found the right teacher. And that teacher is Yedidah Cophen. She has a deep understanding, not only of the texts themselves, but of what the possiblities inherent in them are.

Amazing Lady

Tatiana Tova Yassenov

"You make it easy. It's simple really. It isn't about a religion, it is about life. Just living.

Learning with you (Yedidah) is simple. I don't know why people say Kabbalah is difficult. It isn't difficult. You make difficult concepts pleasant and easy. "

Speaks from the heart

Diane Barbarash, Shamanic Healer

"I had been using Eastern practices, but when I found Rabbi Ashlag's work, I came to a wealth of detail and subtlety I had never met before."

I began to find answers to basic questions, like, "What was my place in the world?" Rabbi Ashlag's work helped me go both simultaneously deeper into my Self, and at the same time made it possible for me to step back more easily.

from sorrow to joy


"I looked for help and was interested in looking in Torah and Kabbalah. I was very nervous because I am not religious, but you are very openhearted, open minded and I felt very welcomed, right from the beginning."

The course supported me in my own work and I found words that spoke deeply to me. I can face the future now, with its ups and downs, with confidence.

Professor of Family Therapy

Dr David Trimble

When I learn these texts with Yedidah I feel that we enter a sacred space together , in which she attends , not only to the deepest aspects we can attain of the wisdom but to my needs as a student.

I have been a spiritual seeker all my life. I have searched in so many different pathways until I found my way in Judaism. I am so deeply grateful. I find the teachings both inspiring and incredibly practical as I take the wisdom I learn into my clinical practice with me.

What People Say

“I so deeply appreciate Yedidah’s classes, and all of the wisdom Yedidah is able to bring down and out into this realm! I have been a student for over 3 years now, and I constantly experience radical amazement towards each lesson I tune into. We dive deep into Torah understandings to view a perspective so very needed in our time. My mind makes sense of more matters now with the thoughts of Rabbi Ashlag’s wisdom than ever before, I am so grateful. And this wisdom we discuss - it is filled with so much light, and Yedidah delivers the message in such a loving, gentle, and accessible way. I even do chevruta’s in my personal life with these concepts, and implore anyone to take a journey with Yedidah herself and learn, as it is truly an honor and blessing to do so. You will be grateful you did. Lauren Lieberman , Florida”

Lauren Lieberman, Florida

“I have been studying works of Torah and Chassidus for years getting glimpses of deeper meanings behind the references to the Ari’s Kabbalah, but finding little understanding. Without the explanation of the language of roots and branches, this has been like reading recipes for dishes and getting hints of how they may taste from descriptions and reviews. After studying the works of Rav Ashlag with Yedidah Cohen, delving into the depths of his explanations, I have found that those hints are now becoming actual tastes. ”

Adam Johnstone

“Yedidah Cohen has performed a wonderful service in making available to an English-speaking audience this Introduction to the Zohar by one of the modern masters of Jewish mysticism, the late Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag. Read it and it will help open your eyes to the infinite radiance that fills the world and the seeking soul. A life-changing work.”

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

“I have been a student of Yedidah Cohen’s classes on Torah and Rav Ashlag’s teachings for a few years and I look forward to them. She proceeds from references from the stories in the Torah to their deep inner meanings expanded on in the Zohar by Rav Ashlag, to how these learnings assist us to improve our lives today. My consciousness is broadened each time I listen. I have also studied with Yedidah more advanced subjects like the Tree of Life or the Ten Sefirot and how Hashem’s sustenance is brought into our lives. Her excitement for the subjects never wanes and she inspires her students to grow along with her. Rachelle Kaufman, Naharyah, Israel ”

Rachelle Kaufman

“Yedidah Cohen’s masterly adaptation of Rabbi Gottleib’s biography of Rabbi Yehudah Leib Ashlag, makes it possible for all of us to take the first step on Rabbi Ashlag’s ladder that ascends to the Heavens and penetrates the depths of our mind and heart. ”

Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, Aish Kodesh

What You Receive

  • 9 main lessons, comprising 32 videos
  • A dynamic digital workbook for your assignments you can use for a personal record of your journey
  • Community forum with support and bonus material with Yedidah
  • 6 live Zoom webinars and Q and A with Yedidah every 2 weeks.

Price: This course is worth $1200, but when you purchase it  directly from the webinar you will be eligible for  a reduced one-time price of $355.

To join the next webinar and obtain the discount coupon, click here .

Plus two further bonuses: 1)Two bonus lessons:

Dealing with our thoughts

Free will and where it lies: and it's not where we think it is!

2)    An email handbook: "The Paradox of Creation" for download.

Don’t wait. In these turbulent times you owe it to yourself and your loved ones. Join me on this wonderful transformative journey. This is only the beginning. 

Any questions? Contact Yedidah via email, 

[email protected]

I would like to purchase

9 recorded lessons

comprising 32 videos, acccompanying downloads, discussion and assignments

Community Forum

Where you can post assignment and receive feedback, support and inspiration throughout the course

Two Bonus Lessons

Lessons on Dealing with our Thoughts and Free Will

Bonus Ebook

"The Paradox of Creation"
Only available for those who take the course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the tab for the questions you want to ask

The Kabbalah is the innermost aspect of Judaism. You can call it “the soul of Judaism" and it corresponds to our own soul. it is called the "hidden wisdom" becauseit deals with our intentions towards ourselves , each other and God. Our actions can be seen for the outside, but only we really know what we mean by them

Most people nowadays want to learn Kabbalah and particularly that of Rabbi Ashlag because their heart is speaking to them and they desire a closer relationship with thesoul, the Divine element of ourselves.  Sometimes we are drawn to this wisdom because of the suffering in our lives or in the lives of the others we love. Other times we are drawn to this wisdom because our heart and soul wake up. 

 In this case, all the great Rabbis agree that Kabbalah is not just permitted but required, for both  men and women alike. 

Join Yedidah at the webinar Building a Living Relationship with the Soul according to the Divine Plan and receive the discount price coupon. 

If this is still difficult for you then you may  pay as four monthly payments.  I have set up a possibilty to do this on my website. Click here to pay in monthly installments and follow the instructions there

 Yes, a refund is available if you cancel within two weeks of starting the course. Contact  [email protected]

You will have access to the course content for as long as you need.

 This is a great place  for you to start.  No previous knowledge is required. You will find much to interest you and inspire you, and you will begin to see the world, in its complexity, through very different eyes.  

There will be a forum for you to ask questions and receive support. If after two weeks you find it is not for you  you can contact yedidahcohen@gmail and ask for a refund. 

Answer: Everyone. Kabbalah contains much universal truths that are applicable to everyone.  The main issue is that the purpose of learning Kabbalah is for us to gain a better relationship with ourselves and the Creator. 

 Since Kabbalah is intimately connected with Torah and Judaism, it is natural for Jews to want to learn it. If however you are not Jewish then you need to take into account that  the terms and idioms may not be so familiar to you. I will do my best to translate and explain any unfamiliar words and you will be able to ask any question you want on the community forum or by email. 

 Many psychologists now realise that although dealing iwth a person's emotional needs  is really important,  if we don't address spiritual needs as well, we are leaving the most important ingredient for true growth and healing out. 

 Many people who study Kabbalah today are people in the field of psychology and related disciplines who are looking to enhance the way they help their clients.